Our Wedding Album


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The wedding day arrived.We woke up at around 4:00 clock in the morning.KV had the vratham pooja to perform. Then came the very interesting Kashi Yatra.Vijay accompanied KV as he went out in the customary manner and then Appa went and brought him back!!Both of us loved sitting in the swing as melodious songs were sung.And then we were back in tha mandapam again. We were dressed in the traditional style. As the Thali was tied, both of us felt extremely happy to be beginning a new life together!

Us in our wedding Attire

Listening to the Vadhyar carefully...

Before Tying the Thali

One look before tying the thali

We are married!

And we got married....

Enjoying the Tharamaralu function

Quite some fun and laughter after the marriage rituals. Was an eager contest between us to get the rings inside!

Deepa getting a yellow rice shower

Felt really nice having a traditional marriage.

The Memorable Day

Aswathy Kalyanamandapam,

1st May 2001 - Reception
(Tuesday) 7:30 - 9:00 pm

2nd May 2001 - Wedding
(Wednesday) Muhurtham 6:40 - 7:30 am

A typical Oonjal snap

It was nice being rocked in the OOnjal.

Kvs mom

KVs Amma giving us Palum pazham.

Athai with us.jpg

Athai taking an active role in the function.


Amma was waiting to put Kajal for KV.She loves this snap.